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Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When Traveling

Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When Traveling


Traveling can be an amazing experience for you, but it can be difficult for you to keep track of everything you have planned. Sometimes, it helps to plan all kinds of your trips. Doing so will help you navigate your trip better and give you a better overall experience. When it comes to travel, most of us think of essentials, like passports, credit cards, travel insurance, and many more. However, if you are a travel lover there is an interesting travel hack that is gaining popularity recently – keeping a crayon in your wallet. You might be thinking, “Why on earth would I want to do this?” In this article, we’ll explore this unconventional travel tip and the amazing benefits it can bring to your trip.

If you can keep a physical list of notes while traveling and need a great writing instrument to carry around, one way to make your travels easier is to keep a crayon in your wallet. We’re here to talk about something that may have never occurred to you – why keep a crayon in your wallet while traveling?

Why Put a Crayon in Your Wallet When Traveling?

Crayons play an important role in marking different locations, signposts, travel budgets, and other places while traveling. Crayons are a very useful tool to remember the fun moments of your travels. You can focus on certain areas of the world that you want to explore. If you are planning to travel to a country you have never been to before, having a crayon will help you a lot to make some sketches of the country or area you are visiting. Here are some reasons why you should consider carrying crayons:

1. Crayons Are Cheap

Crayons can be a great way to entertain kids while you travel far away. They are cheap, easy to pack, and can be used for a variety of activities. Here are some ideas for using crayons while traveling:

2. Children Love Them

Crayons are a great tool when traveling. They are relatively small and very easy to carry. So they help a lot when you jot down quick notes or make sketches of something. And children are very happy if they are together.

3. Maximize your travel experience

Crayons are interesting additions to a traveler’s toolkit. They can be used not only for drawing and coloring but also as writing instruments. It also helps to enhance your travel experience.

The Surprising Problems That Can Arise Without a Crayon in Your Wallet While Traveling?

Traveling can be an exciting and adventurous experience for you, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. While most travelers are well versed in packing essentials like passports, money, and toiletries, there is one unusual item that is often overlooked and that is a crayon. You might be thinking, “What kind of problem would it be if I didn’t keep a crayon in my wallet while traveling?” In this article, we’ll explore unexpected problems that can arise when you leave this simple yet versatile tool behind.

Lost Luggage Identification

Imagine the scene on the baggage carousel, where a sea of identical black suitcases spin before your eyes. If you forgot to attach a luggage tag or other identification marker to your bag at that moment, how would you identify your luggage alone? That’s when you need a crayon. A brightly colored crayon can save you from this situation, as you can easily write your name, contact information, or a different sign on the side of your suitcase. Without a crayon, you don’t need to waste precious time trying to locate your belongings in a crowd of bags.

Missed Travel Memories

Every person wants to leave behind beautiful moments, scenic views, attractive road scenes, and memorable moments as memories while traveling. A crayon is a very valuable thing for you to capture these travel experiences on paper. Because you can quickly sketch or draw these travel moments. These sketches can serve as personal souvenirs that will help you relive your travels and share your experiences with others. Travel sketches can be a unique and authentic way to document your journey, and without a crayon, these moments can be lost forever.

Creative Communication Barrier

Traveling often involves interaction with people who speak different languages. If you don’t have a common language to rely on, communicating can be challenging. This is where a crayon can be invaluable. Without it, you may struggle to communicate your needs, ask for directions, or explain dietary preferences. So if you have a crayon it can eliminate that problem with simple drawing language. And if you don’t have a crayon with you at that moment, you may find it very difficult to sustain yourself in an unfamiliar environment. Which we travel lovers never want.

Entertainment for Young Travelers

If you’re traveling with kids, keeping them entertained during a long trip can be a daunting task. So if you have a crayon and some paper or napkins, this can be an easy solution for you. Without this handy tool, you may find yourself relying on electronic devices or buying expensive distractions. A crayon in your wallet can be a source of endless entertainment, and your little ones can be restless and frustrated without it. So carry a crayon while traveling so that your beautiful moments are more enjoyable.

Budget Tracking Challenges

Managing your finances while traveling can be complicated, especially when dealing with foreign currencies. A crayon can create a color-coded key on a small piece of paper in your wallet, allowing you to keep track of your spending. So without a crayon, you may struggle to maintain a detailed budget, potentially losing track of overspending or your financial limits.

What Benefits Do You Get If You Keep A Crayon In Your Wallet?

All of the things I talked about above can be easier for you if you have a crayon with you. Apart from them, you can enjoy many other benefits. When preparing for a trip, you may carefully pack your passport, credit cards, and travel essentials, but one item that is often overlooked when traveling is – a simple crayon. You might be surprised to know that keeping a crayon in your wallet can give you a wide range of benefits. For example: to find your luggage from many luggages, to keep your beautiful moments as memories during travel, to communicate with people of different languages, to keep children happy and many more benefits can be enjoyed if you have a crayon. Hope you understand how important it is to have a crayon while traveling. In this article, we’ll explore the unique advantages of having a crayon at your disposal when you travel.

Emergency Writing Tool

In an age of digital devices, you might wonder why you’d need a writing tool. Well, imagine filling out a customs form, jotting down a quick note, or leaving a message for someone in a remote area with no pen or pencil in sight. A crayon can come to the rescue, allowing you to write on various surfaces, including paper, cardboard, and even certain fabrics.

Temporary Repair Solution

When faced with unexpected situations like a torn bag or a broken strap, a crayon can provide a temporary fix. By melting the crayon and using it as an adhesive, you can patch up minor damages until you reach a more permanent solution. It’s a DIY repair hack that can save the day.

Emergency Candle

In situations where you find yourself in need of light, a crayon can be used as an emergency candle. Simply light the top of the crayon, and it will burn slowly, providing you with enough light to find your way or read a map in the dark.

Emergency Marking Tool

Traveling often involves exploring unfamiliar places, and in some cases, you might need to mark a trail or leave a temporary sign for fellow travelers. A brightly colored crayon can serve as a makeshift marking tool, helping you navigate and communicate with others in outdoor or remote settings.

Supporting Local Artisans

Beyond its practical uses, carrying a crayon can also have a positive impact on your travels. In some destinations, especially in less developed areas, crayons can be rare and valuable items. By carrying one in your wallet, you have the opportunity to support local artisans or children who might appreciate this simple gift.

A Crayon is a Versatile Travel Tool

First and foremost, a crayon is a compact and versatile tool that takes up minimal space in your wallet. It’s an unlikely hero that can serve a multitude of purposes during your travels, proving that sometimes the simplest solutions are the most effective. As a travel enthusiast, I have seen many people keep strange items as “travel gear”. Many of these items are only partially useful others are not needed. A crayon seems a bit useless as a travel tool though. But if you are a true traveler then you will understand its popularity and how useful it is for us.

Crayons are a great tool to keep kids busy or happy. Moreover, you can use a crayon as an emergency writing tool for yourself. Crayons don’t need to be sharpened as much as pencils. Alternatively, you can use a pen, but there is a risk of ink spilling and damaging the items in your wallet. A crayon, on the other hand, won’t leak or damage your wallet. Some people recommend using crayons as a self-defense tool. In my opinion, you’re much better off using your wits to get yourself out of a life-threatening situation, and you shouldn’t be using a crayon as a self-defense tool (unless you’re John Wick!).

Making the Most of Your Travel Experience

Crayons are interesting additions to a traveler’s toolkit. They can be used not only for drawing and coloring but also as writing instruments. It also helps to enhance your travel experience.

Here are some ways carrying a crayon can be helpful while traveling:

A Crayon Can Save Your Life

This is probably the best reason to keep a crayon in your wallet. While it may seem strange or absurd how a crayon could potentially save your or someone else’s life, it is actually true. Many people, especially children, have used crayons to signal distress after being kidnapped, which later saved them.

Please think. A crayon that is small, easy to carry, and doesn’t look suspicious at all. You can use it to paint on most surfaces and it works even when wet. When you are in a life-threatening situation, this versatility crayon will help you a lot in the danger signal field. Through which your life can be saved.

Best of all, you can use a crayon to save someone else’s life, especially if you suspect that they’re in a difficult situation. There are true stories of children who were saved from kidnappings because a stranger saw their distress and slipped a crayon on them. Even if the child doesn’t have the paper on which to write a distress note, they can leave a sign on any surface with the crayon.

Tips for Using a Crayon When Traveling

One important thing about traveling is that you get to explore new and interesting places. One way to make these places more enjoyable is to carry a crayon. Here are some tips on how to use crayons while traveling:

How To Put Crayon In Your Wallet

You might be wondering why you have crayons in your wallet. However, this is a very simple technique. But many people break their crayons while keeping them in their wallets. So I shared with you need to take a crayon and stick it in your purse or wallet. Ideally, you can cover it with a writing paper. You can get crayons from your child’s coloring box or buy them. Crayons are not expensive and you can easily buy them locally.


In the world of travel, adaptability and resourcefulness are key. While a crayon may seem like an odd addition to your wallet, its versatility, and potential uses make it a surprisingly practical travel companion. It can play an important role in overcoming various challenges that may accompany you on your journey. So, the next time you hit the road, tuck a crayon in your wallet—you never know when it might come to your rescue or brighten someone else’s day during your adventure.

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